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The Edit Profile feature allows players to manage their account settings. This includes editing their public profile, choosing which cars they want to display on their public profile, changing their password, and other options.

Public Profile

Players can edit their public profile using the Edit Profile feature. This allows them to choose what information is displayed publicly, such as their username, rank, and cars owned. Players can also choose which cars they want to display on their public profile. There are no restrictions on what players can edit in their public profile. However, players can only choose to display all of their achievements or none of them.

Account Settings

In addition to editing their public profile, players can use the Edit Profile feature to manage other account settings. This includes changing their password, email address, and other options. Players can change their account settings as frequently as they like.

Other options available in the account settings section include the ability to show up to five cars on the player's profile, edit their avatar, and turn on and off the game chat.